Many following Iranian politics are waiting and hoping for some sort of major political event that would push the Green revolution over the hump and lead to the collapse of the Iranian regime.
The main problem this Iranian revolution has had is that the educated elite are the only ones revolting, while the majority of other Iranians are still on the sidelines.
There is one event that might motivate the other socioeconomic classes to join the green revolution and it happens to be the brainchild of the government itself. Facing a budget deficit and impending sanctions, the Iranian government just approved a measure to take away subsidies on some basic commodities, like gasoline.
The gas prices in Iran are about to increase by at least 350%. Imagine if Gas prices in the US went from $2.7 to $9.45 overnight. The amazing thing is that if the Iranian government is doing this at a time when the political future of the regime is in jeopardy. They think their plan to pay qualified families a stipend will lessen the devastating psychological impact of such a jump in inflation.
Like other dictatorships in history, the dictators are the last to realize that their time is up. East Germans had a military parade a month before the Berlin wall fell, and in similar fashion the Iranians are increasing the cost of commodities for the poor during a major political turmoil. This political suicide will be put into action within the next 12 months; I can't wait!
The greatest thing about the dictators of Iran is that they seem to be more arrogant than they are stupid, which suits me just fine.
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