Mr. Ahmadijejad may think that the women of Iran who are eager to depose him will be satisfied with the gesture of selecting two women to be the first women ministers in the Islamic republic. Never mind the fact that the proposed minister of health is a hardliner who once called for the segregation of women into separate hospitals. Never mind that the proposed minister of welfare is a staunch defender of polygamy and is a two time Parliament member in the hardliners' block.
Mr. Ahmadijenad is either arrogant, stupid, or both, for believing that the brave girls and women who walk in front of their men in the street demonstrations would be that gullible. It doesn't seem likely for these women to risk arrest, torture, and rape only to fall for such empty gestures.
Radical women in ministerial positions does not advance the cause of women's rights, rather it is likely to serve as a cover for more limitations on women.
Some blacks may have once thought that the selection of the black Judge Clarance Thomas to the united states supreme court would mean more support for minority rights, but he proved that a person's beliefs are more important than gender or ethnicity.
Iran will one day be free and so will its women and minorities; the only way Mr. Ahmadinejad is going help in this process is by fueling the flames of the green revolution by being the stupidly arrogant sun of a bitch that he is.
Mr. Ahmadinejad does not realize this but he is like a frog enjoying the slowly boiling water that is the Iranian green revolution. He will one day be tried for his actions and the judge might well be one of the women that he subjected to imprisonment and rape.
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