There is no doubt that the students and the facebook members of Iran are predominantly behind the fledgling green revolution. What is in doubt is the awareness and support of the millions of poorer Iranians with no access to alternate media. It is not clear if they are aware of the extent of oppression and killings by the government security forces on the streets. If the Media black out in Iran holds, the revolutionaries may remain cut off from the majority of the poor Iranians. Without those masses in southern Tehran and the provinces the revolution can not succeed.
In 1979 ayatollah khomeini, faced with a simillar Iranian media black out, spread his message from France through smuggled cassette tapes. The hope of the new Green revolution may lye in DVDs and CDs as even the poor with no facebook accounts have access to DVD players. Lets burn some DVDs and get the word out. There is security in numbers and this might help bring more people out to support the thousands of brave Iranians already on the street.
I was touched last night as I watched a clip of young demonstrators being charged by the police. As the crowd saw tear gas and smoke rising ahead of them they chanted "be brave, we're all together". With no one to help them and surrounded by so many security forces they are indeed brave as they only have each other.
I agree with you, Dr.
ReplyDeleteLet me add, that I think audio tapes and cd's of Montazeri and other clerics speaking against the violence perpetrated on the protesters by the regime - how it is unislamic - and that the people should be allowed to peacefully protest, should be recorded and distributed to the masses in the rural areas.
ReplyDeleteI hope someone on the inside has the time and organization to do this. Iranians are curious about what's going on so once a few hundred CDs and DVDs are out there they will mass produce the rest and pass them on.
Iranians desperately need leadership right now in order to be more organized. Mousavi isn't doing enough. And I doubt he'll be allowed to make many more statements of support & encouragement. So they have to find a leader among them, or I'm afraid the green revolution will be doomed.
ReplyDeleteI feel that we (Iranians abroad) are not doing enough either. As one example, I wish we could get them some sattelite cell phones so they're not at the mercy of their cell phone company.
ReplyDeleteThe U.S. has experience helping solidarity movements in other countries. We should be doing it in Iran.
ReplyDeleteThis is the greatest chance for regime change, and it would be tragic to see it pass unaided.
Alas, I feel we are going to witness Obama as Jimmy Carter II, when it comes to saving Iran from real evil.