Sunday, November 18, 2007

McCain! You're killing me!

I happen to be in the unenviable position of thinking that Senator McCain is the best choice for president of the United States at this juncture. He is probably not going to be president, however, due to, in no Small part, to his own efforts. Everybody know that he needs to pander to the extreme right in order to pass the hurdle of the Republican primary, but he is taking it so far that he is becoming unelectable even in the eyes of right wing Republicans. He looks like he badly needs the presidency, rather than wanting to be president.
His advisers seem oblivious to the fact that both Republicans and Democrats all want an end to the Iraq war in their life time, and so when he the Senator comes across as pro-war no matter what it hurts his electability with both party electorates. Even for supporters, like me, it is becoming worrisome when McCain doesn't distinguish himself from president Bush when it comes to Iraq. There is nothing wrong with qualifying the Senator's support for the war by declaring that he wants the US out of Iraq but he'll do it in a manner that protects US interests and the territorial integrity of Iraq. I personally hope that Mr. McCain doesn't really believe that having 500,000 troops in Iraq would solve the problem; if he does then maybe it's a good thing that he doesn't stand a chance at this point.
If I were the senator's advisor I would advise him to do the following:
-To come to peace with the possibility that he won't be the next president of the United States as it is detrimental to his cause to appear to want the presidency at all cost.
-Support the efforts in Iraq by saying that we he is not in support for immediate withdrawal from Iraq but he does not support turning Iraq into another de facto US territory and is in favor of calculated withdrawal with continued support for our allies in Iraq post withdrawal.
-To continue his anti-torture stance but clearly state that the United States can never guarantee 100% security for its citizens even with torture. The United States, more than ever, needs to make a stance against the forces of hatred and blind revenge within and without. The best chance the US has against terrorism is when it stands for its ideals and principles without giving in to the temptation to hate back and take revenge.
-Declare that the US economic recovery is dependent on US efforts to support peace in the world and mutual peaceful coexistence.
-Talk about how Democratic candidates, if elected, are likely to adopt an aggressive posture in Iraq in order to demonstrate their toughness against terrorism, and that Senator McCain is the best candidate, as a war hero, to make the right decisions in Iraq without worrying about being called a coward if he pulls out of Iraq.
I hope Senator McCain would heed the advice and go on to be the next president of the United States.

Jabbar Fazeli, MD
Author, Iraq Decoded


  1. Dr. Fazelli,

    I linked over here from blogs4mccain where I am an author. I like your site. Your posts are well written and informative. You seem new to the blogosphere but your presense is welcomed.

    As for McCain having little chance of winning I would disagree with you there. I also feel McCain has distanced himself (if not in the general public's eye) from Bush with his longstanding criticism of the tactics and strategy we have used there.

    I sat down with Jim Barnett, NH Camapign Director, McCain08 yesterday. (You can read the transcript of the interview over at I will be seeing him again in a few days and I will pass your comments along.

    Again, welcome.

  2. Hello.

    I'm stopping by for a visit and a little reading in response to your visit to my blog. I need to explain that I've removed the comment, not because I don't want to give you equal time, not out of censorship, but because when folks clicked on the excerpt in our Recent Comments log, due to a software bug, they were taken to a page where they can't read the rest of your comment.

    So, I hope that, though I deeply disagree with you on so many things, that you will feel welcome to stop by again, and if you leave a comment to a specific post, and not on our Contact page, the whole comment will be readable by all our readers.
